2024-2025 Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog

General Education (All Bachelor Degrees)

This list represents the minimum credits for each category. Based on student choices, additional credits over 40 will count as free electives. If a student has general education credits waived, the credits may need to be made up as free electives to reach the minimum 120 credits for a bachelors degree.

Some program requirements may fulfill general education requirements, as indicated in program descriptions.

Intellectual & Practical Skills

The student will be able to demonstrate competency in the critical skills of accessing, interpreting, and communicating qualitative and quantitative data.

Communication (9 credits)

A minimum grade of C is required for ENG 100 as a prerequisite for ENG 101.

Quantitative Reasoning (6 credits)

Any two MAT courses with at least one being 200 level or higher.

Information Fluency (3 credits)

General Knowledge

The liberal arts and sciences have been a part of university education since the original European universities of 1,000 years ago. Students will explore the arts and humanities, natural science, and the behavioral-social sciences.

Arts & Humanities

The student will develop the ability to analyze and empathize with the human condition from a variety of perspectives-cultural, mythological, creative, and historical.

World Language (3 credits)

The student will develop a minimum level of proficiency in a non-English language. A student who attended secondary school in a language other than English satisfies the world language requirements by successful completion of ENG 101 .

Please note, students must complete course prerequisites. Additional credits taken to fulfill course prerequisites will count as free electives towards the 120 credit total for the bachelor degree.

Students proficient in languages other than those referenced here may satisfy the World Language requirement by earning 6 credit hours through standardized testing. Contact UMFK’s Prior Learning Assessment Coordinator.

Natural Sciences (4 credits)

The student will be exposed to scientific inquiry and the laws and principles that have been established in humanity’s effort to understand the natural universe through the study of the biological or physical sciences.

Behavioral-Social Sciences (3 credits)

The student will be able to describe the social and behavioral phenomena of human relationship to others, their communities, their social institutions.

Global Awareness (3 credits)

Students are expected to develop and grow as responsible citizens, and to acquire knowledge of and respect for the diversity of all life. Responsible citizenship involves a commitment to lifelong learning, democratic ideals as embodied in the United States Constitution, a healthy community, sustainability, and environmental stewardship.

More options are forthcoming and current students who already took those courses will have them applied to fulfill this general education requirement.