2024-2025 Catalog 
    Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog

Environmental Studies - Program Details

Vision Statement

The Environmental Studies faculty of the Division of Arts and Sciences and Professional Studies at the University of Maine at Fort Kent, believe that experience-based learning, whether in the field or in the laboratory, is essential for optimal learning and for career preparation. The faculty asserts that scientific literacy, defined as proficiency in critical thinking, logical reasoning, and communication pertaining to the sciences, is an essential ability that we must foster in our graduates so that they can respond to environmental challenges. Our Environmental Studies degree provides an interdisciplinary grounding in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities, with an emphasis on experiential learning. This broad background preparation, combined with the training in critical analysis that permeates our curriculum, prepares our Environmental Studies graduates to address local, regional, and global environmental issues.

Mission Statement

To inspire all students to have respect and meaningful careers as caretakers of our living Earth. Students develop a broad knowledge of the natural and social sciences, with a focus on an aspect of environmental studies that is of personal interest. Students learn to identify environmental issues, collect and interpret data, explore creative solutions, and communicate their findings. Students work with an interdisciplinary team of faculty with expertise in biology, chemistry, forestry, the social sciences, and the humanities. Small class sizes within the Environmental Studies program foster a close working relationship between faculty and students in an informal and nurturing atmosphere.

Program Description/Goals

The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies degree is interdisciplinary academic program that combines traditional classroom learning with hands-on outdoor experience. Leveraging the power of our campus location in the Acadian Forest Region, students in our program critically examine environmental issues affecting rural areas and wildlands and their connectivity to global socio-ecological systems. Students develop an understanding of the general principles of ecological systems, including components, processes, interrelationships, and the interactions that exist between natural and human cultural systems within the global environment. Students complete a rigorous curriculum emphasizing foundational coursework in biology, chemistry, physical science, ecology, and human environment interactions. With close advising by a faculty mentor, each student designs and executes an in-depth laboratory or field research study in their final year of their education. Students present this capstone work in a public lecture at the end of the semester. We believe that this opportunity to practice independent research is invaluable to help our students become empowered to have respectful and meaningful careers as caretakers of our living Earth.

Another key goal of our program is to prepare students to be environmentally literate individuals who are committed to pursuing a sustainable natural world for the benefit of humanity and the environment. Our faculty infuse interdisciplinary liberal arts courses with exposure to environmental problems in our community. This service learning aspect of our curriculum fosters an understanding of how we impact the natural world, as well as an appreciation of our connection to nature.

All students in the Environmental Studies Program participate in field experiences as part of their coursework which consists of experiential learning activities that students participate in through short field trips in the local area, as well as through multi-day expeditions. Some courses have a $150 fee, which helps to cover necessary costs including equipment travel, entrance fees, and camping. It is important that students take courses during the designated year and semester to ensure that they have the background preparation needed to benefit fully from the field-based activities.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies Program at the University of Maine at Fort Kent will:

  1. Recognize the causes of, impacts of, and solutions to environmental issues at the nexus of human-environment relationships, natural processes, and science
  2. Interpret the structure and function of organisms, their environment, and interactions through the foundational principles of biology, chemistry, natural, and social sciences
  3. Critically evaluate the causes and consequences of human relationships with their environment from contemporary natural science and cultural perspectives
  4. Design, execute, evaluate, and communicate the findings of field and laboratory experiments addressing questions regarding the structure and function of environmental systems, conservation, management, and global change
  5. Use of written, oral, and multimedia communication to disseminate evidence-based findings to diverse audiences
  6. Accept the responsibility to enlighten and translate knowledge to all people, to both enrich and empower them to overcome global change threats
  7. To embrace scholarly knowledge and develop technical skills to competitively pursue a meaningful career in environmental science, wildlife biology, arctic biology, biotechnology, or a related field

Techniques for Assessment

Students are assessed in all classes using various means including written assignments, quizzes and exams, field and laboratory practical exams, comprehensive final exams in some classes, and course projects. All students must demonstrate proficiency in written and oral communication skills by satisfactory performance on the written report and public oral presentation for the capstone Senior Project. All students will complete two comprehensive exams to assess knowledge and appreciation of critical content related to organism diversity and ecology. Graduating students complete an exit survey during their last semester to reflect on their BS in Environmental Studies program education and provide feedback about their experience. Graduates are required to complete an alumni survey to provide feedback about the quality and effectiveness of their education.