2024-2025 Catalog 
    Jan 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog

Allied Health AS - Program Details

Vision Statement

Division of Nursing provides a rigorous education founded upon the liberal arts, which prepares professional nurse graduates who holistically serve individuals, families, and communities, in a caring capacity in a complex global society

Mission Statement

As an integral part of our parent institutions, the UMFK nursing faculty members deliver a transformative nursing education to prepare graduates who serve as nurse clinicians, scholars, and educators to meet the health needs of the people of Maine and beyond.

Program Description

The Allied Health program is a two year, Associates of Science degree designed to prepare graduates to assume roles in allied health specialties.

In keeping with the institutional mission and divisional goals, the Division of Nursing promotes an environment of respect and support for all persons regardless of gender, race/ethnicity, creed, or abilities. Students with special needs are advised to refer to the “Students with Disabilities” section of this catalog.

Program Goals

In fulfillment of its mission, the Division of Nursing will:

  • provide associate degree education that responds to and fosters the development of allied health professionals prepared to meet the health information needs of a variety of healthcare organizations such as hospitals, long term care facilities, and home health organizations;
  • develop and utilize creative and innovative educational methodologies that serve the learning needs of a diverse student population;
  • foster the development of professionals prepared to lead and manage departments for healthcare organizations; meet Maine’s regional employment needs related to specific allied health fields.
  • develop, foster, and maintain collaborative partnerships with the community and other institutions through practice and service experiences.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Graduates will be prepared to seek employment in the allied health care field.
  2. Graduates will perform safe, ethical allied health care practices as a member of a health care team.
  3. Graduates will exhibit behaviors that reflect high practice standards.
  4. Graduates will be able to think critically and solve problems in allied health care settings.
  5. Graduates will be able to effectively communicate verbally and in writing.
  6. Graduates will demonstrate a desire for further professional development.

Admissions Guidelines

The applicant to the Allied Health major should have completed the college preparatory curriculum during high school. Applicants who have not completed this track may be evaluated on an individual basis. Additionally, the applicant is expected to have:

  1. Graduated from an approved high school or GED equivalent;
  2. Completed each of the following courses with a minimum grade of C, preferably in the college preparation track:
    • Sciences: Two years
      • Biology (with lab)
      • Chemistry (with lab)
      • Anatomy and Physiology
    • Mathematics: Two years
      • Algebra I
      • Algebra II and/or Geometry
    • English: Four years
    • Social Sciences: Two years
    • Foreign Language;
  3. Prior to Fall 2005, achieved a combined score of 900 on the SAT; after Fall 2005, a combined score of 1350 is recommended. A composite score of 19 on the ACT examination is the equivalent score. The SAT or ACT scores are recommended, but not required; and
  4. Submitted one letter of recommendation from a math teacher, science teacher, or a support letter demonstrating community service.

Students who do not meet the criteria are considered on an individual basis. An interview with an academic advisor may be required.

Transfer Students

Students wishing to transfer to the Associate of Science in Allied Health from other colleges must meet general university admission requirements. A “C” grade or better must be demonstrated for any transfer credit. In addition, achievement of a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA is also required for admission to the HIT concentration or a 2.5 GPA for those students transferring to the pre-nursing concentration. However, students must meet the 2.5 GPA graduation requirement.

Acceptance into the allied health major is contingent upon the student meeting all entrance requirements. Depending on the course credits being transferred, prospective transfer students may be required to demonstrate satisfactory validation of knowledge and skills which may require registration for directed study credits or through successful completion of a standardized exam.

Student who wish to change to the nursing major must meet all nursing program requirements and academic progression policies to be considered for transfer to nursing. Students wishing to change to the nursing major must do so at least before the spring of the sophomore year, as outlined above, as the advising and required courses are impacted upon switching majors.

Program Requirements

NOTE: A course may satisfy requirements in both the general education requirements and prerequisite areas. All courses with grades of “C-” and below must be repeated. A minimum grade point average of 2.5 must be maintained to be enrolled in the Healthcare Technician concentration.

Many health care agencies require criminal background checks for licensed health care providers, students, and volunteers serving in health care agencies. In response to these requirements, the UMFK Division of Nursing has established a policy requiring criminal background checks of all allied health and nursing students. Students are responsible for contacting the Director of Student Services or the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Health Information Technology if they have a question about their criminal history.

General Education Requirements

In accordance with University policy, all associate degree candidates must satisfactorily meet the general education requirements. Transfer credits are considered on an individual basis. All general education courses must be completed with a minimum grade of “C”.

Assessment Techniques

Students in the allied health major will develop an individual student portfolio demonstrating achievement of program outcomes, professional development, and academic growth.

Curricular assessment techniques are achieved through various means, including: self-evaluations, formative and summative evaluations, portfolios, and exit, graduate, employer, and alumni surveys.

Academic Progression Requirements and Policies

To progress in the allied health major, students are required to meet the following academic policies:

  1. Attainment of a “C” grade or better in all courses, including transfer courses. Any course in which a student earns a “C-” grade or less is unacceptable. For those students who wish to transfer to the nursing major, students must earn a grade of C+ or higher in all NUR/HLT courses;
  2. Any general education or prerequisite course can be repeated, but only once, to achieve the necessary “C” grade and a 2.5 GPA for HCT concentration.
  3. A student who receives less than a “C” grade after repeating a course will be required to withdraw from the allied health major;
  4. Up to two allied health or healthcare technician courses may be repeated, but each course only once, to achieve the necessary “C” grade;
  5. Students must successfully complete the didactic, laboratory, and practicum components of a course to meet the requirements for the course. If students are unsuccessful in any of the course components, they must repeat the course in its entirety;
  6. Provide evidence of a health history, criminal background check, physical examination, and immunization history acceptable for institutions in which practicum experiences occur, including Hepatitis B, MMR, PPD, and Varicella. This must be submitted to the Division of Nursing and Allied Health before the student can begin any clinical experience.

Practicum Experiences

Learning experiences may take place in a variety of settings and geographic locations, and students are responsible for meeting their own transportation needs to attend all practicum experiences. Annual practicum requirements acceptable for institutional orientation must be completed before students can commence any practical experience, including education on fire safety, back care, confidentiality, and HIPAA.

Academic Policies

Leave of absence. A leave of absence may be granted to a student who is experiencing a health or personal problem. To request a leave, the student must submit a letter to the Admissions, Advising, and Advancement (AAA) Committee, which will recommend a course of action to the program Director. If granted, the leave will be for a period of no longer than one year. To return, the student must submit a written request for reinstatement to the major within one year.

Changing to the allied health major with a Healthcare Technician concentration. Students already enrolled at UMFK who wish to change their major to allied health should obtain a “Request for Change of Degree” form from the Registrar’s Office or online at: https://www.umfk.edu/registrar/changeinfo/, which must then be signed by the program Director. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is required prior to program change. Grades below “C” do not satisfy allied health degree requirements.

Students who are dismissed from the nursing major are not eligible to apply to the allied health major. 

Procedures for students in academic difficulty. A student in academic difficulty is one who is in jeopardy of earning a grade below C. All students demonstrating difficulty in completing course requirements for the didactic, clinical, and/or laboratory sections are notified of their status at mid-semester or mid-practicum. Written notification is also sent to the student’s academic advisor, and a copy is retained in the student’s record. A mutually acceptable plan, or learning contract, will be developed to help the student at-risk of failing. The contract will assist the student to identify goals, strategies, and dates by which these goals need to be achieved. A copy of the learning contract that is signed by both the faculty and student will be maintained for the student’s record. Should learning contract requirements not be achieved, further meetings will be held first with the student and faculty member. Continued difficulty will result in a meeting with the student, faculty member, and program Director to discuss a plan of action. Individual action will be taken based on each student situation. A student has the right to appeal all grades according to the Academic Student Appeals Policy. The student must initiate the appeal procedure by the end of the ADD/DROP period by the semester following the class in question.

Probation. Probation occurs when a student receives a letter grade of “C-” or below in any allied health or Healthcare Technician course but maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above. To progress in the major, the student is required to repeat the course the next time it is offered, but cannot repeat it more than once. While students are on probation, they may not register for more than 14 credits in a semester, and may not enroll in an on-line or ITV course without specific approval from the academic advisor. Students will be notified in writing by the AAA Committee of their probationary status.

Suspension. Students will be suspended if their cumulative GPA is less than 2.0. While a student’s GPA is less than 2.0, that student may not register for any allied health courses. Students who have been formally suspended will be referred to the Assistant Dean of Student Success.

Graduation Requirements

To be awarded an Associate of Science in Allied Health, graduates must:

  1. Complete a minimum of 63 semester hours of credit
  2. Maintain a minimum, cumulative grade point average 2.5 for HCT
  3. Achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.5 upon graduation
  4. Complete General Education Requirements (All Associate Degree Programs) 
  5. Complete the Allied Health core courses
  6. Complete the Health Care Technician 
  7. Fulfill the UMFK Residency Requirements
  8. Complete the Graduation Application