2021-2022 Catalog 
    Jan 12, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Registration and Records


Registration involves academic advising, course selection, and payment arrangements. Students must see their academic advisors for assistance with course selection. Students who are not working towards a degree may seek the assistance of a faculty advisor.

To register for courses, students go to the MaineStreet Student Center and enter their courses on their Wish List. Once the courses have been reviewed and approved by their academic advisor, students may enroll. A student who is not in a degree program, or who has not previously taken classes at UMFK, may complete a registration form and submit it in person or online to the Registrar’s Office.

Specific early registration days for returning students to enroll in subsequent semesters are published in the Academic Calendar. On these days, priority in course selection is based upon a student’s class level; that is, seniors register first, followed by juniors, sophomores, and finally freshmen. Subsequent to that date, registrations are accepted on a first-come, space-available basis until the “Last Day to Register” which is two weeks before the start of the semester. Students may register after the “Last Day to Register” deadline but a $50 Late Fee will be assessed.

New students are provided the option to register for the fall semester during the summer registration days. However, all new students may also register during the student orientation or by contacting the Assistant Dean of Student Success. All new transfer students will register with their assigned academic advisor.


Courses at the University of Maine at Fort Kent may be taken on an audit basis. Attendance in the courses is mandatory. Scheduled work and exams will be determined by the course instructor. Registration for audit must be completed prior to the end of the Add/Drop period (see Academic Calendar 2021 - 2022  ). Forms for auditing courses are available in the Registrar’s Office. Tuition and fees are assessed for audited courses.

Course Cancellations

The University of Maine at Fort Kent reserves the right to cancel courses.

Student Class Level

Class level is determined by the number of credits completed at the University, including those accepted in transfer from other institutions.

Class Level Credits
Freshman: 0-23 earned credits
Sophomore: 24-53 earned credits
Junior: 54-83 earned credits
Senior: 84+ earned credits

Adding a Course

Students wishing to add a course(s) may do so within the ‘Add’ period in the first week of the regular term or session. Please consult your academic advisor to add courses.

Course Drop

Students wishing to drop a course may do so during the Add/Drop period. There are no academic and financial implications if a course is dropped within the Add/Drop period. However, it is important to consult your academic advisor. For more information on Add/Drop dates, please see the ‘Academic Calendar 2021 - 2022  ’.

Course and Term Withdrawal Policy and Procedure

A course dropped AFTER the Add/Drop period is called ‘course withdrawal’. If all courses are dropped after the Add/Drop period, the student has withdrawn from the term or ‘term withdrawal’. Both course and term withdrawals have financial and academic implications. If it is the intention of the student to withdraw from a course or a term or a session, the withdrawal procedures are to be observed. Failure to do so will result in the assignment of a grade for each course involved, and the grade will be computed in the grade point average. Merely ceasing to attend classes does not constitute an official course or term withdrawal. Instructors will determine a grade based on individual cases.

Students wishing to withdraw from a course or the term after the Add/Drop period are recommended to seek advice from their academic advisor and/or the Student Success Office.

Students must complete the ‘Course/Term Withdrawal” form obtained at the Business Office or online at the UMFK website under ‘Forms & Documents.’ The completed form must be submitted to the Business Office or may be submitted electronically.

Distance Education (online) students may submit the “Course /Term Withdrawal” form electronically or contact their advisor or instructor to request a course withdrawal. The request is forwarded to the Registrar.

  • The date of withdrawal is the date the completed form or emailed request to withdraw is initiated.

In the regular 15 week terms, course and term withdrawals are not permitted after the 10th week of classes (see “Last day to Withdraw” in the Academic Calendar) except in unusual circumstances. Course and/or term withdrawal after the 10th week require the approval of the Academic Affairs office.

Transfer of Credit Practices

University of Maine System

  1. Transferring students must provide official transcripts reflecting all previous post secondarypostsecondary coursework.
  2. An evaluation of transfer credit will be prepared by the Transfer Officer for each accepted transfer student and will be available in the student’s MaineStreet Student Center. The transfer student should meet with an academic advisor to review how the transfer credit will be applied toward the student’s degree program. Transfer evaluations will be prepared based on the following principles:
    1. Within the University of Maine System: Undergraduate courses completed with a C- or higher, including P grades, will transfer from one UMS university to another. Grades will be recorded on the student’s transcript but not computed into the cumulative GPA.
    2. Outside of the University of Maine System: Credit earned with a C- or higher in courses from regionally accredited colleges/universities outside the UMS must have a ‘pass’ defined as a C or higher in order to transfer.
    3. Generally, course grades do not transfer from one college/university to another. Semester and cumulative GPAs reflect only those courses taken at the home university. Students in cooperative degree programs should inquire about any exceptions that may apply.
    4. Coursework defined as developmental by the university to which the student is transferring will not be awarded degree credit. Developmental courses are considered preparatory to college level work and will not count towards a degree.
    5. Courses from colleges and universities outside the United States will be accepted for transfer consistent with established university policies and practices.
  3. Credit may be awarded for high school Advanced Placement (AP) exams, College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams, or college-level knowledge gained through life experience (e.g. prior learning, such as military or other training) when validated through the approved campus processes.
  4. Students with coursework from non-regionally accredited schools may inquire into the possibility of validating some or all of their learning through testing and/or approved university credit for prior learning processes. Students interested in this option should contact the university PLA coordinator at 834-8647 or speak to their advisor for further instruction.Prior Learning Transfer Officer for more information.
  5. If a student has concerns about the transfer evaluation, the student should contact the Transfer Officer at the receiving university. After the conferral, the student may appeal through the academic appeals process at the receiving university by contacting their advisor to complete proper documentation. .
  6. Transfer students should consult the University’s catalog and/or meet with an appropriate advisor to determine requirements regarding the number and distribution of credits that must be completed at the University to earn the desired degree.
  7. Students must meet the established requirements of the academic program or college into which they are transferring. Transfer credits do not necessarily count towards these requirements.
  8. Transfer credits, even if they are used towards a course substitution, do not count towards residency credits.
  9. Students may also confer with the Transfer Officer and/or academic advisor regarding possible flexibility in the application of their credits to their program, through approved campus processes.
  10. Current UMS students who plan to take courses at another university, inside or outside of the UMS, are strongly encouraged to seek prior approval of their plans from the university where they are matriculated and must complete an Away Form.

Transferring of credits to UMFK

The University of Maine at Fort Kent recognizes that students may complete postsecondary work at other institutions. This work is important to the student and also to the University. UMFK will make every effort to recognize the credits through the transfer process and apply these toward its program requirements. Where the content of courses from the previous school is equivalent to that of UMFK courses, students will be given credit toward their degree requirements. Where there is no compatibility of content, elective credits will be given. UMFK also has special arrangements with selected schools whereby credits are accepted directly into UMFK programs (see Index under ‘Articulation Agreements’ for details of these special arrangements).

In order to receive credits for work from other institutions, students must present official transcripts from each postsecondary school. For students who are applying for transfer to the University of Maine at Fort Kent, their transcripts must be sent to the . For those taking courses at other schools while being a student at UMFK, the transcript should be directed to the Shared Processing Center (edocs@maine.edu).

Once transcripts are received in the Registrar’s Office, student transcripts will be evaluated and credit accepted as appropriate. The student will then be notified of the transferability of each course as well as how the credits will apply to his/her degree program. The acceptable credits will then be posted on the UMFK transcript. Decisions on transfer credit evaluations may be appealed to the Academic Affairs office (Refer to Academic Policies and Procedures ).  

Conditions of Transfer Course Acceptance

Although all coursework will be considered for transfer, credit will be acceptable for transfer only under the following conditions:

  1. Only work from institutions accredited by one of the six regional accrediting agencies will be accepted in transfer.
  2. Only work with grades of “C-” and above will be accepted. Courses graded with non-standard letter systems, such as Pass/Fail, will be considered for transfer if the transcript clearly shows the equivalent grade symbol indicating a grade of “C-” or better.
  3. Grade Point Averages (GPA) from other schools do not transfer. Grades from all schools are listed on the UMFK transcript but are not included in the UMFK GPA.
  4. Only work which applies to a course of study at UMFK will be accepted.
  5. Nursing clinical courses are not transferable.
  6. Credits from regionally accredited vocational or technical schools are accepted if they are applicable to an academic program.
  7. Students who transfer to UMFK, after having completed a previous Bachelor’s degree are exempt from completing the General Education requirements.

UMFK differentiates between courses offered during the freshmen/sophomore years (lower level) and those at the junior/senior years (upper level). For transfer courses, the level is determined at the time of transfer evaluation and may not transfer at the same level as the course at the sending school. Courses, considered upper level at the away school, may be considered lower level at UMFK. It is recognized that conflicts will exist between the numbering schemes. 

NOTE: For students transferring within the University of Maine System, the Trustee policy is to provide the maximum opportunity for transfer within the System. When a student is accepted for transfer within the University of Maine System, all undergraduate degree credits, with a minimum grade of “C-“, obtained at any unit of the University will be transferable to any other unit but will not be automatically applied to the specific academic degree program to which the student has transferred. Each student will be expected to meet the established requirements of the academic program into which transfer is affected, and appropriate application of that credit is to be the responsibility of the particular academic unit. To determine which courses are transferable for degree program credit, students who anticipate the need to transfer course credits should consult with their academic advisor prior to enrollment.

Non-Regionally Accredited Institutions

Credits earned at nationally accredited or non-accredited institutions of higher learning may be presented for evaluation and acceptance at the University of Maine at Fort Kent. Any student anticipating the transfer of credits from a non-accredited institution should:

  1. Request an official transcript be sent from the institution in question to the Shared Processing Center edocs@maine.edu).Registrar of the University of Maine at Fort Kent. For International Transfers, transcripts must be evaluated by an outside agency, such as World Education Services to determine US credit equivalency. UMFK will not consider foreign credits for transfer without the outside agency evaluation.
  2. Secure from the Registrar the following data for each course involved:
    1. Complete syllabus,
    2. List of all required and any optional textbooks or other instructional materials used in the course, and
    3. School’s catalog.
  3. The Registrar will review the foregoing documents to determine equity with academic requirements and courses at UMFK. The Registrar may confer with other offices of the University as appropriate.
  4. Where equity is found to exist with courses offered by UMFK, the transfer credit may be accepted at full or adjusted value toward satisfaction of the corresponding UMFK course. Where a corresponding course is not offered at UMFK, the course value may be accepted toward fulfillment of elective requirements.

Advanced Placement

An applicant who has taken university level courses as part of a high school program or as a supplement, and who achieves at least a grade of “3” in the Advanced Placement Examinations of the College Board, will receive credit at the University provided the credits are in acceptable subject areas. The number of credits awarded for successful completion of Advanced Placement courses will be proportionate to those granted at the institution for similar courses. It is possible for an applicant to be excused from certain basic course requirements if the applicant presents acceptable scores obtained through Advanced Placement Examinations.  If students are submitting the results, submit the scores  to to the Shared Processing Center (edocs@maine.edu). If the AP scores are being directly submited form the Educational Testing Service (ETS), inform ETS of the school the scores should be to for evaluation.

Change of Degree Program

To declare a change in degree program, the student must submit a change of degree form to the Registrar’s Office in the Business Office. The new program advisor’s signature is required, and additionally, the Director of Nursing signature if changing to a nursing program. Students may access the new degree requirements through their student center degree progress report.

Academic Implications for Course and Term Withdrawal

Fall and Spring Semesters (15 Week Term)

  1. Courses may be added during the FIRST week of classes. This applies to all credit courses (day and evening). Courses may be dropped during the first and second week of classes without academic penalty (see Academic Calendar 2021 - 2022  for deadlines).
  2. Beginning with the THIRD week of classes until the end of the 10th week of classes, as published in the Academic Calendar, courses may be withdrawn with a grade of “W” assigned by the Registrar. The “W” is not computed in grade point averages. For all purposes, the “W” grade will be recognized as an attempted but not earned credit. Students will be responsible for the full cost of the course.

Short sessions

Session Drop/Withdrawal Policy
3-week session Students may drop course(s) until the end of the 3rd day with no academic penalty. Course withdrawal after the 3rd day will be assigned a grade of “W”.
7-week session Students may drop course(s) until the end of the 7th day with no academic penalty. Course withdrawal after the 7th day will be assigned a grade of “W”.
14-week session Students may drop course(s) until the end of the 14th day with no academic penalty. Course withdrawal after the 14th day will be assigned a grade of “W”.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)


Education records are kept by University offices to facilitate the educational development of students.  Faculty and staff members may also keep informal records relating to their functional responsibilities with individual students.

A federal law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment, affords students certain rights concerning their education records.  Students have the right to have some control over the disclosure of information from their records.  Educational institutions have the responsibility to prevent improper disclosure of personally identifiable information from the records.

Student and Parents Rights Relating to Education Records

Students have the right to know about the purposes, content, and location of information kept as part of their education records.

They have the right to gain access to and challenge the content of their education records.  FERPA was not intended to provide a process to be used to question substantive judgments that are correctly recorded.  The right of challenge is not intended to allow students to contest, for example, a grade in a course because they felt a higher grade should have been assigned.

Students also have the right to expect that information in their education records will be kept confidential, disclosed only with their permission or under provisions of the law.

FERPA considers all students independent which limits the education record information that may be released to parents, without the student’s specific written permission, to directory information.  Parents have the right, under certain conditions, to gain access to information in the student’s education records.  Parents who claimed the student as a dependent on their most recent IRS 1040 are permitted access to the student’s education records.

Directory Information

Some information about students is considered directory information.  Directory information may be publically shared by the institution unless the student has taken formal action to restrict its release.

Directory information includes:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email (beginning October 15, 2013)
  • Phone
  • Program of Study
  • Participation in Officially Recognized Activities and Sports
  • Appropriate Personal Athletic Statistical Data
  • Most Recent Educational Institution Attended
  • Date of Attendance
  • Degrees and Awarded Received (including dates)
  • Enrollment Status (full/part-time)
  • Class Level
  • Date of Birth

Students may elect to suppress their Directory Information by going to the Self Service Center in MaineStreet.  Under the “Personal Information” section is a drop down box with the words “other personal…”.  From this drop down box the student should select “Privacy Settings” and then click on the “go” button (>>).  A new screen will appear with FERPA information and a pair of radio buttons.  Selecting the button “Do not release any directory information” will suppress all directory information until the student decides otherwise.  The University assumes that the student does not object to the release of the Directory Information unless the student changes their privacy settings.

Release of Non-Directory Information

There are forms that the University has created to grant access to a student’s educational record; this form supersedes the suppression of Directory Information.

The Student Consent to Release Information (PDF).  This form allows students to give access to their educational records to specific individuals.  This access remains in effect until the student revokes permission in writing.

Once the Registrar’s Office receives the completed form, the information will be documented in MaineStreet (Peoplesoft) in the Service Indicator module.

Questions should be directed to the Registrar’s Office at (207) 768-9581.

Education Records

Education records are specifically defined as records, files, documents, and other materials that contain information directly related to a student and maintained by the University or someone acting for the University according to policy.

Excluded from education records are records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel and ancillary educational personnel in the sole possession of the maker and that are not accessible or revealed to any other person, except for a substitute.  Additionally, notes of a professor or staff member intended for his or her own use are not part of the education record, nor are records of police services, application records of students not admitted to the University, alumni records, or records of physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, or other recognized professionals.

Records relating to an individual who is employed by the University not as a result of his or her status as a student are also excluded.  However, employment records relating to University students who are employed as a result of their status as students are considered education records.

When is Prior Consent Not Required?

The institution may release records without consent, but is not required to do so.  Some examples of the exceptions for having a release include:

  • “School Officials” with a “legitimate educational interest” / “need to know”; Employees and legal agents have access to education records in order to perform their official, educationally-related duties;
  • Companies that the university has a contractual agreement with in order to do tasks normally done at the university (i.e. grading tools as part of textbook agreements):
  • Disclosure to another institution where student seeks to enroll or is enrolled;
  • Disclosure in connection with the receipt of financial aid (validating eligibility);
  • Disclosure to state/local officials in conjunction with legislative requirements;
  • Disclosure to organizations conducting studies to improve instruction, or to accrediting organizations;
  • Disclosure to parents of dependent studies (IRS definition); FERPA considers all students independent which limits the education record information that may be released to parent, without the student’s specific written permission, to directory information. Parents have the right, under certain conditions, to gain access to information in their student’s education records. Parents who claimed the student as a dependent on their most recent IRS 1040 are permitted access to the student’s education records.
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
  • Disclosure for a health/safety emergency; and Disclosure of directory information
  • Disciplinary information (Warner Amendment):
  • Disclosure to the alleged victim, information from disciplinary proceedings;
  • Only when found in violation, and only for crimes of violence-release of name, sanction and outcome (public information); and
  • Disclosure to parents of any student under the age of 21, a violation of federal, state, local or institutional laws/regulation related to substance abuse (Foley Amendment).

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student’s education records. The law applies to all schools which receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student, or former student, who has reached the age of 18 or is attending any school beyond the high school level. Students and former students to whom the rights have transferred are called eligible students. Eligible students have the right to inspect and review all of the student’s education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of materials in education records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for eligible students to inspect the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies. Eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records believed to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the eligible student has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record commenting on the contested information in the record. Generally, schools must have written permission from the eligible student before releasing any information from a student’s record. However, the law allows schools to disclose records, without consent, to the following parties:

  • school employees who have a need to know
  • other schools to which a student is transferring
  • certain government officials in order to carry out lawful functions
  • appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student
  • organizations conducting certain studies for the school
  • accrediting organizations
  • individuals who have obtained court orders or subpoenas
  • persons who need to know in cases of health and safety emergencies; and state and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific state law

Schools may disclose, without consent, “directory” type information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, email address, class level, degree and major, date and place of birth, dates of attendance, enrollment status, degrees awarded, dates of graduation, sports and activities participation, and honors and awards. However, students may request that directory information be suppressed by contacting the Registrar’s Office. If a student chooses to have directory information suppressed, the University will release information to those not authorized under the act only in emergency situations. Questions concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may be referred to the Registrar’s Office.


Transcripts of courses completed at the University of Maine at Fort Kent are issued only at the written request of the student. Two types of transcript are issued. “Unofficial” copies are issued to students for academic advising purposes. “Official” transcripts carry the signature of the Registrar and embossed seal of the University. Partial transcripts are not issued. The following per copy fee must be paid before a transcript will be issued:

Transcript Type Cost Per Copy
Official/Unofficial Copy Free

Transcripts will only show work completed as of the date of request. In-progress work will not display on the transcript.

Transcripts from other institutions, which have been presented for admission or evaluation, become a part of the student’s permanent academic file and are not returned or copied for distribution. Students desiring transcripts covering work attempted elsewhere should request them from the appropriate institution.

NOTE: It is the policy of the University of Maine at Fort Kent to withhold all official credentials, including grades and transcripts, until library clearance has been granted and the student’s account is paid in full. It also is University policy to withhold credentials for students who have defaulted on their university-based student loans. Paper and electronic transcripts may be ordered online at https://www.umfk.edu/registrar/transcripts/

Secure, Electronic Transcripts:

  • Do you need a transcript right away and don’t want to wait for the postal service to deliver mail across the country?
  • Are you applying for a job or graduate school, which requires an electronic transcript?

The University of Maine at Fort Kent has partnered with the National Student Clearinghouse to provide secure, electronic delivery of official transcripts to an email address anywhere in the world.

The total cost for an electronic transcript is $4.00 per transcript or less if the receiving institution participates in the Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX), which is payable by credit card when you place your online order.

CAUTION:  If you attended the University of Maine at Fort Kent prior to 1990, electronic records will not be available and can only request by mail option.  If you respond, “YES” to the question “Did you attend University of Maine at Fort Kent prior to 1990”, the order will remain in the queue and WILL NOT be processed.

  • You’ll need to verify with the recipient to be sure that they will accept an electronic transcript.
  • You’ll want to send transcripts directly to another college if you’re hoping to be accepted and receive transfer credits.
  • Please note that you don’t need to order electronic transcripts for undergraduate admission to other University of Maine System schools. They’re able to access your transcript in MaineStreet as long as you don’t have a hold on your account.
  • Please note that if you completed dual enrollment credits while in High School, it requires a UMS Student ID# for electronic transcripts. Orders will not be processed without a UMS Student ID# and will be denied by the National Student Clearinghouse for “No Student Record Found”.


All fall and spring diplomas are mailed 30 days after the spring Commencement ceremony.  Summer diplomas are mailed out 30 days after the end of the summer semester.

Diplomas will list your major, program, conferral date, and, if applicable, earned graduation honors  .  Your transcripts will list major, program, conferral date, and, if applicable, earned graduation honors  and minor(s).  The conferral date listed on the diplomas and transcripts refers to the date your degree was officially awarded to you.  The conferral date is the Saturday after finals week for the fall semester, the Saturday after finals week for the spring semester, and the Saturday after the last day of classes for the summer semester.

Veterans Educational Programs

Many University of Maine at Fort Kent programs have been approved by The Maine State Approving Agency for the use of educational benefits for Veterans, Service Persons, National Guard and eligible dependents of disabled or deceased Veterans. Students should contact the nearest VA regional hospital for information concerning eligibility, counseling, and benefits. Information is available at http://www.gibill.va.gov.

Students eligible for VA educational benefits should contact the UMFK Registrar’s Office to inform them of their veteran status. The Registrar’s Office is responsible for processing the necessary paperwork for benefits.

To apply for VA educational benefits, the student must:

  1. Apply for and be accepted into a University degree program.
  2. Complete the appropriate application for VA Benefits with the Registrar’s Office (Chapter 33 must complete 22-1990 at: http://vabenefits.vba.va.gov/vonapp/main.asp.
  3. Submit a copy of the DD-214 (for Chapter 30) (Chapter 33 must submit a copy of the Certificate of Eligibility.)
  4. Register for, and begin taking classes.

To request certification of benefits each semester, the student must use the form located here:


Students should contact the Registrar’s Office with questions or assistance.

Title 38 United States Code Section 3679(e) School Statement of Compliance

Any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits will be permitted to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance.  A certificate of eligibility can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ eBenefits website, or a VA form 28-1905 form for chapter 31 authorization purposes.

UMFK will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from the VA under chapter 31 or 33.

This agreement will terminate on the date on which payment from the VA is made to the institution or 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility, whichever date is most beneficial to the covered individual.