2021-2022 Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student and Campus Services

Student Affairs Office

Student Affairs is concerned with students in all areas of University life. Student Affairs personnel are available for consultation about any question or problem a student may have. Extra-curricular activities, orientation, residential life, personal concerns, student life, and parking are all to be directed to this office.

Absences from Class

The University and its faculty are firmly committed to regular classroom attendance. Students do better in courses where they maintain regular attendance. Each professor will specify an attendance and absence policy  as part of the written syllabus you receive at the beginning of the course. If, for any reason, you seek an excused absence from a class, you must obtain excused status in advance from the professor of the class. Whenever possible, find out your obligations and schedule makeup work as necessary. In an emergency, you may obtain a notification of absence directly from the Student Affairs Office.

If it is not possible to speak to the professor before an absence, you must, within a day or two of your return to campus, carry out the consultation with the professor of your course. If you cannot contact your professor, you should stop by the Student Affairs Office. It is your responsibility to set up the conferences, and be familiar with the professor’s specified procedure for makeup work in order to meet the obligations and deadlines established by the professor.

The Dean of Students will officially notify professors of the following absences (see below). All other absences fall within the professor’s policy and the opportunity to make up work is at the professor’s discretion.

  • A death in the immediate family
  • Hospitalization
  • Medical reasons outlined and verified by a physician
  • Scheduled employment interviews verified by employer in question
  • Other situations directly concerning a student and/or his/her immediate family
  • Participation in University-related, University-sanctioned and/or University-sponsored or approved functions or activities, including but not limited to performing arts and athletic events

Note: There is a limit of three day’s absence per semester. Upon consultation with the student’s professors, additional notifications of absence may be permitted in extenuating circumstances.

Student Conduct

UMFK students are expected to conduct themselves as responsible adults. The UMFK student is a responsible community citizen who:

  1. exhibits the personal attributes of honesty and integrity,
  2. exercises the highest degree of care and concern for the physical and emotional safety and well-being of others in the University community,
  3. abides by all policies of the University and fulfills all contractual agreements, and
  4. abides by the civil laws of the town, county, state, and nation.

Students whose behavior does not conform to these standards may face disciplinary action following due process. Complete student life policies and disciplinary procedures are contained in the current UMFK Student Handbook and the University of Maine System Student Conduct Code.

Sexual Assault Policy

The University of Maine at Fort Kent will not tolerate any form of rape or sexual assault. Any unwanted physical contact, or threat of such contact, constitutes sexual assault. Alcohol, drugs, peer group pressure, consent on a previous occasion, or ignorance of University policy will not serve as justification for such actions.

The Student Affairs staff provides information sessions open to all students on the subject of sexual assault and safety. These presentations are provided in conjunction with local health care agencies and social service organizations. Additionally, resident assistants undergo a training session on sexual assault during the annual Resident Assistant training program.

In the event of a sexual assault or rape, students should seek the support and assistance of another person immediately. The University provides a number of resource people including the Student Support Services Counselors, and the Student Affairs Staff, all of whom are aware of the need for sensitivity and confidentiality. Students may also use the Sexual Assault Helpline by calling 1-800-432-7805.

More information regarding UMFK’s Sexual Assault Policy can be found at: https://mycampus.maine.edu/group/umfk/handbook-student-affairs.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment of either employees or students is a violation of federal and state laws. It is the policy of the University of Maine System that no member of the University community may sexually harass another. In accordance with its policy of complying with non-discrimination laws, the University of Maine System regards freedom from sexual harassment as an individual student right that will be safeguarded as a matter of policy. Any employee or student will be subject to disciplinary action for violation of this policy. A pamphlet describing the policy and its enforcement is made available to each student and staff member. Incidents of sexual harassment should be reported promptly to a campus EEO officer, or to the Student Affairs Office.

Student Health Insurance

Many colleges and universities require that any full time student be covered by an adequate health insurance policy. UMFK requires that any student enrolled in 9 credits or more (including international students), verify that they have other adequate US health insurance coverage in order to defray eligible medical costs in the event of injury or sickness. More information regarding UMFK’s Student Health Insurance requirements can be found at:  https://mycampus.maine.edu/group/umfk/handbook-business-office.

Health Services

The UMFK Student Health Clinic is a service of Northern Maine Medical Center. The Health Clinic is a primary care health facility that provides a wide array of student health procedures and services. The Clinic is open approximately 20 hours per week. Contact Student Affairs or the Health Clinic for specific hours. Visits and services in the Health Clinic are free of charge for all UMFK students.

Below is a list of services offered by the Student Health Clinic:

  • Physical Exams
  • STD Checks
  • Basic Suturing
  • Headaches
  • Orthopedic Problems
  • Tobacco Cessation
  • Lavage
  • University required immunization
  • Pap Smears
  • Birth Control Counseling
  • Upper Respiratory Infections
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Sports Physicals
  • Basic Nutritional Counseling
  • Minor Excisions and I & D
  • Oral contraceptives (reduced rate)

The Health Clinic also contracts a mental health counselor for free student consultation two days per week. For more information on hours and services, please contact the Student Affairs Office.


Maine law (20A M.R.S.A. 6358, Chapter 262) requires students enrolled in a post-secondary school (full or part-time) in Maine to be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, and rubella. Under this law, students are required to have either vaccine administration records, a physician note or laboratory evidence to prove immunity, a physician note indicating the student is medically exempt, or a religious or philosophical objection note for each of the required vaccines listed above.

Please note: A student who is enrolled in a distance education program offered by a school and who does not physically attend any classes or programs at a school facility, including a campus, center or site of that school or any other school, is exempt from this requirement.

Student Senate

The Student Senate is an autonomous student government. The Senate nominates students for appointment to various UMFK committees, coordinates cultural and social functions, allocates student activity funds, and works with the Student Affairs Office.

The Student Senate and the Student Affairs Office encourage the development of viable activities and organizations. Currently, active organizations are listed in the UMFK Student Handbook. To be a recognized student organization, student groups must first receive University recognition. Organizations must then receive Senate approval and be under the Senate jurisdiction to receive funding from activity fees.

Students considering participation in extra-curricular organizations and/or activities should be aware that a minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required of all active members of all clubs and organizations, as well as, all varsity sports team members during each semester. Members of the Student Senate are required to have a minimum of 2.5 cumulative grade point average.

Student Activities

The Student Activities Office is the hub for all activities, entertainment, and enrichment at UMFK. We strive to engage students on many levels, and ensure a healthy, inspiring, and thrilling experience while attending our University. Our mission is to create activities that are exciting and that cover a broad range of topics including cultural and social diversity, environmental stewardship, community development, personal health and development including recreational activities, life skills, community service, and just plain awesome fun! Examples of activities include dances, comedians, relaxation events, musical performances, bonfires, cultural food and dance nights, exercise opportunities, and much more!

Other functions of the Student Activities Office include maintaining an official activities calendar. We also work in conjunction with the Student Affairs office to plan and implement New Student Orientations, and Leadership programming. The International Student Organization is based out of our office as well, and is a support system for international students. We also work closely with Residential Life staff to implement various residential activities and educational programs. In conjunction with the Student Activities Board, which is organized by students, we also put on many large events, such as a Super Bowl Party.

Athletics, Recreation, and Intramurals

The UMFK Sports Center is the focal point of athletics and recreation on campus. This multi-purpose facility is the setting for intercollegiate athletics, recreation, and intramural activities such as basketball, volleyball, and weight lifting.

Intercollegiate athletics at UMFK includes soccer, volleyball, basketball, and track and field. UMFK competes in the United States Collegiate Athletic Association (USCAA). Most practices and games are scheduled in the late afternoon and evening hours, as well as on the weekends, to allow more students to play and support Bengal athletic activities. For varsity college athletic competitions, all student athletes are required to have proof of medical insurance before they begin practicing.

Intramural competition includes team sports such as basketball, softball, volleyball, indoor soccer, and floor hockey. Fitness and wellness classes offer additional opportunities for students to stay fit and healthy throughout the year.

Residential Life

Residential Life is an important component of the academic and social development of UMFK students. The residential halls provide a setting that helps shape students’ attitudes, their readiness to learn and overall quality of life on campus. Furthermore, at UMFK, we believe that Residential Life is an extremely important part of the college experience. Studies at the University and across the country have proven that students who live in a residence hall environment do better in college than their counterparts who choose to live off campus.

There are three residence halls that students may choose to live in. Crocker and Powell Hall are referred to as traditional-style residence halls. Each room houses two people and there are common bathroom facilities, a T.V. lounge and a study lounge. The third residential hall is the Lodge, and it is referred to as suite-style living. The majority of the suites at the Lodge house four people in two separate bedrooms. Along with these suites, there is a private bathroom facility, a common area and a kitchen area. All rooms have a closet/wardrobe, a desk and chair, and a bureau per person. The University provides a cable hookup and an Ethernet port if a student decides to bring a T.V. or a computer. The entire University campus is wireless.

The University has dedicated staff that resides in the residential halls. The Residence Life staff manages these buildings and what goes on within them. Multiple activities are conducted in the residence hall as well as on campus. The Residence Life staff is also in charge of enforcing University policies (please refer to the Student Life website for a copy of the Residence Hall Guidebook). These policies are put into place to ensure a safe and quality living experience.

Residential Housing Policy

The University of Maine at Fort Kent is committed to ensuring the academic and personal success of its students. On-campus housing can make a world of difference in what our students take away from their college experience and in their success rates. The benefits of living on campus are especially significant for students who are in their first year of college. Research tells us that those students who live on campus during their first year:

  • have higher grade point averages,
  • make a smoother transition from high school to college,
  • have higher retention and graduation rates,
  • report greater satisfaction with their college experience, and
  • make better use of the educational and support services provided by their universities than do commuter students.

Consistent with this perspective and to ensure the quality of the first year experience, the University of Maine at Fort Kent requires all first-year students to live in on-campus housing. Students who begin the fall term will need to live in on-campus housing during the fall and spring terms. Students enrolling in the spring term will need to live on campus during that first spring term and during the next term the student is enrolled (summer or fall).

Exemptions from the residential requirement will be considered based upon the criteria listed below. You must be accepted and confirmed to the University before an exemption request can be submitted. All requests must be submitted online to the University Housing Office along with supporting documentation (see below). If you are under the age of 18 and requesting an exemption, you must also submit a letter from a parent or guardian indicating awareness of and consent to the exemption request to live off-campus.

Exemption Criteria

  1. Mileage - Students who live with a parent or legal guardian within an easy commuting distance (30-mile radius of campus). Proof of permanent address is required (official mail received at permanent address).  The towns at the limits of this radius are:
    1. Winterville, ME - South Route 11
    2. New Sweden, ME - South Route 161
    3. Grand Isle, ME - East Route 1
    4. Allagash, ME - West Route 161
    5. Rivere Verte, NB - East TransCanada Highway
    6. Quebec Border - North
  2. 21 years of age - Students who are at least 21 years of age by the first day of classes may request an exemption. Birth certificate will be required.
  3. Married or domestically partnered - Copies of the marriage certificate or certificate of registration of domestic partnership.
  4. Parent to Legally Dependent Children - Copies of the verification of dependent child or child’s birth certificate are required.
  5. Veteran-Copies of the verification
  6. Other - Exceptional circumstances that may not permit a student to meet the requirement.

Student Email Use Policy

In order to meet the academic and administrative needs of the University community, the University of Maine at Fort Kent has established email as a primary means of official communication to all of its students, accepted and/or enrolled. Students are required to activate and regularly monitor their official university assigned email account. It is a violation of University policies for any user of official email addresses to impersonate a University office, faculty/staff member, or student.

Student Expectations and Responsibilities

  • Students are responsible for activating their assigned University email account. The Account Activation web site https://itsupport.maine.edu has been designed for this purpose.
  • Students are expected to check their email on a frequent (daily) basis in order to stay current with University-related communications.
  • Students have the responsibility to recognize that certain communications may be time-critical.
  • Students should not assume that email is private and confidential. Students should never use email to communicate confidential or sensitive information. To minimize risk, confidential information may be made available through special links that are password protected. The University will never ask for student passwords.
  • While the University strongly advises that students not redirect email that is sent to their University email account, students may have their University email redirected from their official @maine.edu address to another email address but at their own risk. Having email redirected does not release a student from the responsibilities associated with the official communication sent to their @maine.edu account. Error due to forwarding or redirecting mail, insufficient mailbox space, or email returned to the University for any reason may result in missing notifications or deadlines that have been distributed via email.
  • Students with disabilities should work with the Student Support Services Office so that the University can accommodate both the students’ and the University’s needs in regard to this policy.

Illegal File Downloading and Bandwidth Use

  • All students who use the UMFK computer network must be aware that downloading music, movies, images and other digital, copyright-protected files without paying for them is illegal. Doing so constitutes the theft of copyright protected material and is punishable by serious fines. –Watchdog companies and agencies that monitor computer networks and IP addresses inform us when someone on our network is downloading copyright protected songs, movies and other material. These activities are illegal and are in violation of the UMS Student Conduct Code. Recently, several University of Maine System students, including some from UMFK, were charged with illegal downloading by the Recording Industry Association of America. Those alleged infractions have resulted in lawsuits that include thousands of dollars in fines. This is a serious matter and the excuse that – “everybody does it” is not a legitimate one. As proprietors of the computer network, UMFK is required to respond to these infractions. Please understand we are doing this not only for our protection, but yours as well. The following are the sanctions for illegal downloading on the UMFK computer network.
    • 1st Offense - Your access to our network will be suspended until you are able to talk to the Dean of Students who will give you an official warning. After this warning, your access will be suspended for one full calendar week; commencing on the day of your consultation with the Dean of Students or their designee.
    • 2nd Offense - You will be charged for violating the UMS Student Conduct Code and the sanction will include a 90-day suspension of your network access. Please note this suspension will not prevent you from completing academic work on our campus computers in our labs, but it will prevent access from your personal computer in the residence halls or at home.
    • 3rd Offense - You will be charged for violating the UMS Student Conduct Code and you will be permanently suspended from our network.
  • Remember, downloading a song or movie illegally is stealing; just like shoplifting in a department store is stealing. If you are downloading material illegally, stop immediately. It is important to remove any programs that allow for such activity from your computer. Do not allow others to use your computer for such activity. You are the person responsible for your computer and your log-in information. If someone else perpetrates illegal activity on your computer or with your log-in, you will be held responsible.

University Expectations and Responsibilities

  • The University has an Account Activation web site specially designed for the student to activate their email account.
  • The University’s Academic and Administrative offices will not use email to communicate confidential or sensitive information. To minimize risk, confidential information may be made available through special links that are password protected or sent via USPS. Only “Official” University business that does not contain personal or sensitive information will be communicated via email.
  • The University reserves the right to use email as the only form of communicating “Official” University business to students. The originating Academic or Administrative department will select the form of communication best suited to a particular announcement and targeted group(s). The originating Academic or Administrative department is responsible for the content of “Official” communication to students.
  • The originating Academic or Administrative department is responsible for getting time-sensitive materials to students via their University email address using the University approved software application.
  • The University will work with the Student Support Services Office located in the Student Success Center to ensure that the University accommodates both the students’ and the University’s needs in regards to this policy.


Blake library, easily identified by its bell tower, provides thousands of resources online and in traditional formats as well as services to help students and faculty in their academic LIFE at the University of Maine at Fort Kent.

Faculty, students, and staff have access to over three million titles across the state of Maine through the online URSUS and MaineCat catalog systems. The campus community has access to over 64,000 electronic journals, as well as access to subject-specific and general databases providing indexed and full text materials from any computer with internet access. Through the University of Maine System Libraries (UMSL) consortium agreement, Blake Library patrons are able to view, and in many cases download to external devices, eBooks that support the various programs taught at UMFK. In addition to the electronic and traditional resources, library staff actively collects and provides non-traditional materials such as streamed content, DVDs, and Audiobooks that offer support for the university’s programs, as well as downtime fun for the campus community.

The library has an open layout that provides areas for group and individual work. Dedicated rooms allow for viewing course-related videos or for additional group space. Students, faculty, and staff are able to use their laptops and other mobile devices within the library to access the internet wirelessly and print wirelessly to available printers. Desktop computers in the library offer day-to-day work spaces for students, which provide internet access and most of the computer programs needed for class assignments and research. 

Finally, library staff are dedicated to helping students, faculty, and staff with Interlibrary loans, reserves, and reference services. These services share a common theme of helping people find the information they need for assignments, research, or even non-academic-related needs. Library hours are best viewed on the library web page at https://library.umfk.edu/about/staffhrs/.

Acadian Archives/Archives acadiennes

The only center of its kind in the nation, the Acadian Archives/Archives acadiennes is located in the Archives Building, between Blake Library and Powell Hall. The Acadian Archives/Archives acadiennes has a bilingual language policy of services offered in English and/or French. The Archives is a research center and repository of resources not found in any library. Its collections provide information about the Upper Saint John Valley history, folklore, traditional arts, rivers, forests, people, culture, and environment. Patrons of the Archives can access any of its 8,195 items, URSUS and MaineCat, and a host of databases including a number devoted to genealogy. The Archives has a wide variety of primary research materials in more than 420 manuscript collections stored in climate-controlled rooms: 870 oral histories on CD’s and DVD’s; 200 microfilms, more than 15,000 photographic images; 150 maps; diaries; journals and thousands of books, serials, and ready-reference articles pertaining to the region.

The Acadian Archives includes an art gallery, a research area, a scanner, microfilm readers, audiovisual equipment, and computers. Patrons may use their laptops and other mobile devices to access the internet wirelessly and print documents. Throughout the academic year, the Archives hosts experts in specific fields to give presentations and workshops. It also provides educational tours to visitors and students and experiential learning activities for UMFK faculty and students.

Designated as a “Must See” the Acadian Archives/Archives acadiennes also has a permanent collection of local traditional arts such as snowshoes, hooked rugs, braided rugs, woven blankets, catalognes, wood sculptures, ballad singing, and storytelling. The Archives is open year-round, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4:30 pm, except on legal holidays. To learn more about its resources and about the Valley’s history and culture, visit our website at: www.umfk.edu/archives or better yet, come for a visit. We’ll give you a tour and a short history lesson about Acadia and the Acadians of Maine. Inquiries are welcome at 834-7535.

Career Planning, Internship, and Placement Services

The University of Maine at Fort Kent recognizes career planning as a process that begins in a student’s first year and continues through to graduation. Students are introduced to career planning in their First Year Experience (HUM 102) course. The Career Services Coordinator leads an overview of the process and teaches the basic components of the resume. This introduction allows students to create a basic resume that can be utilized and updated throughout their undergraduate career for internships, externships, preceptorships, career fairs, and job/career opportunities.  The Career Service Office wants students to see the value in using their 4 years at UMFK to define their career skills and be thoughtful in the way they invest their time to develop useful skills to be successful when they begin their job search.  

Students are encouraged to use the services provided through the Career Service Office. These services include occupational interest inventories (O*Net), a career information library and resource center, and other helpful information and materials. Resume, Cover Letter, and Interviewing workshops are available throughout the school year to help students become familiar with different formats and styles employers expect to receive from college graduates.

All students are encouraged to seek individual career and/or graduate school counseling to identify procedures and processes with regards to applications, personal statements, resumes, cover letters, curricula vitae, etc. before they submit application materials for a job or graduate program.  The Career Service Office coordinates with employers to visit campus, attend networking events and host on campus interviews.  

The UMFK LinkedIn page keeps students up to date on current job openings and volunteer opportunities; along with career preparation tips, upcoming activities and events. In addition, the Career Office hosts an annual Career Week when employers and professionals come to campus and engage with the students. There are various events such as the Annual Resume Writing Contest, Mock Interviews and a Networking event.

In partnership with the University of Maine, UMFK students have access to the CareerLink database and you are automatically enrolled in this free service just watch your email for details on how to set up your account. CareerLink for a University of Maine at Fort Kent student is primarily used for searching for internships, summer jobs, and full-time careers after you graduate.  There are so many opportunities to explore!

Student Employment Program - Work Study

A student’s learning experiences extend beyond the classroom. The Student Employment Program at the University of Maine at Fort Kent is designed to offer students the opportunity to develop beneficial work experience while attending classes. Students can contribute to their education fund, while learning skills that will benefit them in both the classroom and beyond.

Each year approximately 200 students are employed through the Student Employment Program. On-campus departments/offices hire students to work throughout the academic year and summer. We require supervisors and students to be aware of their responsibilities and encourage them to be active in making the employment experience a positive one.

In the spring semester UMFK recognizes a Student Employee of the Year.  Students are nominated by supervisors, faculty and/or staff to be nominated for the award.  To be considered for the award students must:

  • Be currently enrolled at UMFK through the Spring semester
  • Be a degree seeking part-time/full-time student
  • Be a FWS, UWS or Department Funded student employee
  • Complete all required Student Employment compliance trainings
  • Maintain a minimum G.P.A. of 2.5

The Career Planning Coordinator helps students find open work study positions, advises students on other student employment options available on campus, assist students on how to present in a professional manner when searching for a job and/or when employed, provide skills and tips on how students can build their transferable skills and act as a liaison between student and supervisors. For more information on the types of work study see Work Program information in the Financial Aid section of this catalog.

Student Success Center

The Success Center is an open learning environment that engages students for success, while maintaining a welcoming and supportive atmosphere where students can collaborate with peers, tutors, faculty, and staff. We provide the necessary resources that empower students to become independent and resourceful learners as they pursue their academic, career and personal goals, while encouraging students to become lifelong learners and active members of their communities.

Located on the second floor of Powell Hall, the Student Success Center provides:

  • A centralized location for students to receive academic support services and
  • A quiet place to study in small group settings

Tutoring Services

Peer tutoring is available free of charge to all students for each course offered by UMFK. Study group sessions may be organized upon request. Appointments may be made online (https://mycampus.maine.edu/group/umfk/tutor-request-form) or in person at the Student Success Center 207- 834-7530.

Writing Center

Peer writing tutoring is available free of charge to all students at UMFK. Importantly, this is not a drop off editing service. Rather, it is a collaborative effort between the student and tutor to improve written work. The best method for paper reviews is to use the online submission at (https://mycampus.maine.edu/group/umfk/writing-assistance-form) or by calling the Student Success Center at 207- 834-7530. Drop-in hours vary and are posted each semester.

Complementary Instruction

Complementary Instruction (CI) is a peer facilitated academic support program that targets historically difficult courses so as to improve student performance and retention out-of-class review sessions. SI sessions are regularly-scheduled, informal review sessions in which students compare notes, discuss readings, develop organizational tools, and predict test items. Students learn how to integrate course content and study skills while working together. The sessions are facilitated by “CI leaders”, students who have previously done well in the course and who attend all class lectures, take notes, and act as model students.

Academic and Personal Counseling Services

Counseling Services are available to all UMFK students who may be experiencing challenges managing stress, conflict, relationships or academic problems. Students are encouraged to take advantage of private, personal and confidential counseling. There are different options available to students who wish to access services.

Non-clinical personal counseling is offered in the Student Support Services office located in the Student Success Center. Students also have access to clinical counseling in the Student Health Clinic at UMFK, located in Nadeau Hall. If students choose, they may also access clinical counseling from a number of different community providers located in Fort Kent.

TRIO Student Support Services Program

Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded program which is available to UMFK students who meet guidelines determined by the U.S. Department of Education.

The Student Support Services office is committed to assisting students to achieve the best possible academic and personal experience at UMFK. Our mission is to support low income, first-generation, and/or disabled students, under the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act, who have potential to meet the challenges of higher education by strengthening and developing their academic and self-management skills. Our focus is to ensure that our participants in the program have a realistic chance to persist in school and graduate from the University of Maine at Fort Kent. To accomplish these objectives, we provide services to enhance students’ academic success, personal skills, and social skills. Providing services in these areas corresponds to the University’s mission to prepare students for lifelong learning and success as professionals and engaged citizens of a democracy.

A student may apply anytime during the year to be part of the program, and participants are selected once a year, usually during the fall semester. Students in the TRIO program have access to all the above services; however, they have additional services to support student success. These additional services include academic advising, financial literacy, financial aid assistance, grant aid, career counseling, graduate school counseling, laptop loan program, book lending program, student leadership development, and cultural events.

Students who meet eligibility guidelines may apply to be part of TRIO’s Student Support Services program which is supported by a Title IV, US Department of Education grant. To be eligible for assistance, a student must be a citizen or national of the US, a permanent resident of the US, or provide evidence that he/she is in the US with the intention of becoming a citizen. A student must demonstrate a need for academic support, and provide evidence that he/she is low-income, a first-generation college student, and/or is disabled under the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Disability Services

The University of Maine at Fort Kent does not discriminate on the basis of disabilities in the recruitment and admission of students, the recruitment of faculty and staff, and the operation of any of its programs and activities. Students with a documented disability, who need academic accommodations, are encouraged to meet with the Accessibility Coordinator located in the Learning Center in 2nd Floor of Powell Hall. To ensure the timely availability of accommodation, students should request services well in advance of the start of the semester.

It is the policy of the University of Maine at Fort Kent to provide reasonable accommodations for all qualified individuals with disabilities. Federal law, the Rehabilitation Act of 1993, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Maine Human Rights Act established the rights of individuals with disabilities. These laws provide that the recipients of federal funds, employers and places of public access, shall make reasonable accommodation to the known physical and mental limitations of an otherwise qualified person with a disability.

Procedures for Requesting Accommodations

Student accommodations will vary according to the student’s needs and the specific requirements of each course or activity; therefore, accommodation requests must be made by the student prior to beginning of each new semester. Students are encouraged to request accommodations as soon as they know their class schedule for the upcoming semester. On occasion, some accommodations may take several weeks to implement.

  1. Students and prospective students with physical, mental or learning disabilities should contact the Accessibility Coordinator located in the Learning Center to discuss their academic needs, and the accommodation process.
  2. Each student must provide current documentation of their disability and accommodation needs from a qualified medical or licensed professional evaluator if the disability is not readily apparent. This documentation should describe the nature, longevity, and severity of symptoms, as well as the impact which the disability has on the learning process. Documentation should include a diagnosis, current functional limitations, a description of current and/or previous accommodations and recommendations for current accommodations, adaptive devices and/or technology. All documentation is considered confidential.
  3. If the request for accommodations is for a specific course or activity that is not offered through the University of Maine at Fort Kent, the request and documentation will be sent to the office which handles services for students with disabilities on that particular campus. Students are encouraged to contact that office directly, as well.
  4. Students may complete the Student Accommodation Request form or work with the Accessibility Coordinator to complete the form. Simply completing and submitting the form does not mean that the requested accommodations have been approved.
  5. On the basis of the documentation, appropriate accommodations are determined by the campus-based Accessibility Coordinator, in consultation with the student’s health care provider and faculty, if needed.
  6. When accommodations are deemed appropriate for a specific course or activity, an Accommodation Authorization form will be completed by the Accessibility Coordinator. A copy of the form is sent to the student, the student’s professor(s), and other University personnel who need to be involved in implementation.
  7. Some types of accommodations, such as modifications for taking exams, require ongoing discussion between student and professor to arrange specific details. Once approved by the Accessibility Coordinator, plan ahead, and be sure everyone involved knows the plan.
  8. If a student does not agree with the accommodations deemed appropriate by the Accessibility Coordinator, the student may appeal to the Equal Opportunity Office. Any problems with a student’s accommodations that occur during the semester should be discussed with the Accessibility Coordinator.

Student Success - Advising

All students in UMFK programs are assigned to advisors. UMFK has a shared faculty/professional advising model where students are assigned a faculty mentor and a professional advisor.

The purpose of the faculty mentor is to assist students in making decisions related to their college career. Effective advising requires that students and advisors recognize a joint responsibility in this process. It is the responsibility of the student to meet with their faculty mentor about academic issues or progress towards degree completion. In addition, it is the responsibility of the advisor to aid the student in issues such as course selection, academic problems, career plans, and employment expectations. Both students and advisors must be familiar with and clearly understand the requirements set forth in the specific catalog that is in effect when a student enters UMFK.

The purpose of the professional advisor is to onboard the student to the UMFK campus and provide continued support for the student through graduation.  Professional advisors are students “go to” person when questions or issues arise.  The professional advisor is responsible for ensuring that the student is familiar with the catalog including their program requirements and the academic policies; navigation of Mainestreet; providing financial literacy resources; and guiding students to the appropriate services/offices to revolve both academic and non-academic issues.

Students should be in contact with their advisors on a regular basis and should make it a point to see their faculty mentor and professional advisor at least once a semester. These contacts are critical to ensure that all program requirements are being satisfied in a timely manner and that issues that may impact academic success are resolved early. 

During the two-week early advising and registration period in the spring and fall semesters, students must meet with their faculty mentors to discuss course options for the following semester and to register for their classes during that meeting. The students should fill out their MaineStreet ‘Wish List’ prior to the meetings. The ‘Wish List’ is simply a list of courses that students would like to take during any given semester. Typically, students start to create their ‘Wish List’ a week prior to the Early Registration Period.  Professional advisors may assist students in the creation of the student’s “Wish List.”

Faculty Mentors assist students in the following areas:

  1. Determination of educational goals and course selection to achieve those goals,
  2. Periodic review of students’ academic progress,
  3. Exploration of post-baccalaureate opportunities and requirements early in a student’s undergraduate career.

Professional Advisors assist students in the following areas:

  1. Identification of factors that may have bearing on academic progress,
  2. Navigating and understanding campus services and policies,
  3. Developing success plans and providing day to day support.

Faculty Mentors and Professional Advisors have several responsibilities. These include, among others:

  1. Establish an advising relationship with students,
  2. Inform students of ways an advisor can be helpful and show interest in all aspects of their academic careers,
  3. Help students make choices, fully explain consequences of alternative decisions and give students the freedom of choice,
  4. Devote time to the discussion of educational and vocational goals on the basis of individual aspirations and qualifications,
  5. Assist students in course selection, process registration forms and inform them of important procedures and dates for registration, add/drop and withdrawal, and
  6. Availability-students have the right to expect advisors to post their office hours, be available during those hours, and arrange meeting times that might better suit a student’s schedule.

Students have responsibilities. These include:

  1. Keep the advisor informed of academic progress and consult with them early and often if difficulties or problems arise,
  2. Always attend scheduled appointments with advisors. If a conflict arises, contact the faculty/staff member prior to the meeting time,
  3. Consult with an advisor before making ANY course or program changes, such as add/drop, major change, or withdrawals, since this could affect financial aid,
  4. Check email for messages from advisors, and
  5. Always see an advisor before registering for classes.